Lisa Dolezal • October 24, 2023

amtryke recipients people weve helped

Logan is a feisty 3-year-old blessed with an extra chromosome. He has overcome multiple heart surgeries, sepsis and pacemaker surgery. He's obsessed with being a social butterfly and loves talking with everyone. His family was honored to travel from Andrews, TX to receive his free Amtryke on October 16th. Logan received his Amtryke free of charge due to the generous donation by Happy & Judy Brake. He received an AM-10 Hand and Foot Amtryke. This will allow upper and lower body strengthening and increase his coordination. 

Logan was thrilled to receive his Amtryke and began riding it around the room. As you can see it takes many people for an Amtryke recipient to receive their much-needed therapeutic tryke. To become involved in the Lubbock Monterey AMBUCS, you can DONATE now or become a SPONSOR. Come join us at our luncheon meetings and see what we're all about. We are the Lubbock Monterey Chapter of AMBUCS; Proud of our past...Engaged in our present...and, excited about our future. As it was in 1960...and as it still is today...WE STAND SHOULDERS TOGETHER!!